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Vijaykrishna Charitable Trust: Vision, Mission, and Goals


Vijaykrishna Charitable Trust envisions itself as a transformative force in nursing and hospitality education, empowering individuals from Nellore and surrounding regions to reach their full potential as skilled professionals, compassionate caregivers, and innovative leaders. We see our graduates thriving in their chosen fields, shaping a healthier future for our communities. In nursing, this means providing exceptional care to patients and families, working at the forefront of medical advancements, and advocating for accessible, equitable healthcare. In hospitality, our graduates will redefine excellence in the industry, delivering unparalleled service that exceeds guest expectations and fosters a thriving tourism sector in Nellore. Ultimately, the Trust aspires to contribute significantly to the social and economic well-being of the region by empowering individuals, fostering innovation, and creating a ripple effect of positive change.


Vijaykrishna Charitable Trust is dedicated to:

  • Offering accessible, high-quality nursing education and Paramedical Training programs.
  • Cultivating a compassionate and competent nursing workforce dedicated to serving the community’s healthcare needs.
  • Equipping individuals with the skills and knowledge to excel in the hospitality industry, promoting tourism and economic growth in Nellore.
  • Upholding ethical standards and fostering a culture of service excellence in both nursing and Paramedical Education


  • Establish a state-of-the-art nursing College in Nellore, offering diploma and degree programs in nursing. and Paramedical Courses
  • Partner with local hospitals and clinics to provide practical training opportunities for nursing students & paramedical Technicians
  • Develop a renowned Paramedical training program that equips graduates with the necessary skills for success in the tourism and service industries.
  • Secure accreditation for both nursing and Paramedical Education programs to ensure the highest quality of education.
  • Create scholarship programs to ensure financial accessibility for deserving students.
  • Foster a collaborative learning environment that promotes innovation and continuous improvement in both nursing and hospitality education.
  • Organize community outreach programs to raise awareness about the importance of healthcare and quality service.

By achieving these goals, Vijaykrishna Charitable Trust will become a leading institution for nursing and paramedical education in Nellore, empowering individuals and driving positive change in the community.

Vijaykrishna Charitable Trust- M O U

The Society is Vijaya Krishna Charitable Society irrevocable.

(A) To run a hospital for redering medical service to the people and to develop in a well equipped and full-fledged one to provide FREE medical advice and aid or medical care to the deserving poor.

(B) To start in course of time as and when funds permit mobile hospitals vans, a pharmacy and other branches connected with medical services.

(C) To promote study and research in medicine, allopathic, Ayurvedic and Homeopathic in due cource.

(D) To propogate hygiene and preventive medicine. 

(E) To start a Homeo Dispensary and if possible a Homeo College in due course of time.

(F) To establish and run nursing and other training centres to the poor and destitute women.

(G) To train-up Seva Vratis: (men with a missionary Zeal to serve the humanity).

(G) To propogate hygiene in the vicinity, backward, rural and slum areas of the District by conducting survey door to door campaign through personal approach, propoganda, lectures, literatures, audio visual equipment etc..

(I) To start and run physical culture centres including yogas.

(J) To start a medical school or college to the poor and meritorious students.

(K) To collect funds from philanthropists and general public by organising campaigns to that effect.

(M) To establish all the necessary auxiliary and allied units for the medical organisation.

(N) To arrange scholarships and honororia to medical students and the gem in medical fields.

(O) To carry out all or any other objects aforesaid or such other object here in Before specified.

(p) To undertake rural and urban educational and health activities.

Donate Us

Name  of Bank  : HDFC BANK 

Name of the Account : Vijaya college of nursing 

Account no :  50200030176371

IFSC code   : HDFC0000473; Ramalingapuram main road, Nellore Andhra Pradesh

Pin Code.    :  524003

 MICR code :  524240002

Branch code : 473
Phone            : +919426792001

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